Thursday, November 7, 2013

Crisp Fall Air and a Trip Home to New England

So I skipped the strength training portion of my workout today to catch up on Miss Madision in Heels. You know how sometimes you feel like you keep spinning and spinning around and can't stop because life gets so crazy? Yea. That has been me for the past two months. We are on the countdown to closing on our house, I've had a bit of success at work and B and I went home for a mini vaca. We originally had plans to travel down to FL but we are glad we decided to go home, because lets be honest, that is where the heart is. 

When I stepped out of my Fiat 500 (YES. I do have one of those) for the first time in Connecticut, the crisp fall air greeted me like an old friend. And there is nothing better than a New England fall. 

This is outside of the Seasame Seed in Danbury. It is a victorian home turned restaurant in Danbury. The lebanese cuisine is delicious. This day was a huge treat because my cousin Alana (<-- her blog) is finally home from being a world traveller. The girl is the definition of adventurer, having lived in Korea for the past three years, South Africa before that and has visited every single continent on this planet. She is a foodie who always introduces me to new cusines, an avid exerciser and overall badass. She can land anywhere in the world and discover any culture away from five star hotels and tacky tours. 

                                                    Alana, Myself and our Grandma!


Our visit obviously consisted of drinks with friends, family parties and nights by my Dad's pellet stove with plenty of wine but there is one more thing in CT I want to introduce you to. 


Right?! Leaves me breatheless. This is Candlewood Lake. Perhaps my favorite spot in the entire state. The lake is 11 miles long nestled in the heart of Fairfield County. I have so many memories here. As a child my dad would launch his boat and I'd jump on the tube to be pulled the whole 11 miles just taking in the beauty of this spot. This picture says it all. An hour outside NYC if you are in CT or NY this should be on the top of your list.

Until next time...