Friday, September 27, 2013

In True Echo Boomer Style, Building in the DC Metro Area

Recently the Washington Post has published a few stories about the Echo Boomers flocking to the DC metro area. The "Echo Boomer"- someone aged 25-32...... and apparently we LOVE DC. We just can't afford to settle in a beautiful townhouse in Georgetown quite yet and are taking our first "established" steps in Northern VA, Montgomery County etc etc.

I mean someday I will have the beautiful townhouse in Georgetown in true Jackie O style ;).......but for right now building a townhouse is more than enough for us. We have chosen Gainesville (next to Manassas) to set up camp. It has a southernesque feel but still close to DC so we can easily metro into the city on the weekends. ( Russia House happy hours don't have to disappear!) The process will take about nine months all together and I will be posting updates constantly. B gets the updates from our project manager, who is awesome, and I spend most my time pintresting new ideas. Our move in date will be sometime in March.

This is what the hardworking staff at Ryan Homes has accomplished so far: 

So just a skeleton but we have come a long way since we have decided to build in May. I can't say the process has been completely stressless, but it is a lot easier than I had expected. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

I Can't Think about that Right Now. If I do I'll go Crazy. I'll Think about that Tomorrow.

The favorite saying of the average twenty five year old.... Right?!

Around here there is no sugar coating things, life is crazy! That is exactly what I am going to write about today.

In the Gonska household we are constantly moving in a million different directions. When you walk in our door you are greeted by four cats perched on the counter, our phones ring in the text messages from family wondering how we are and there always seems to be mountains of laundry sitting on top of the dryer. B and I both have 13 hour work days and before I can ever tackle my long to do list the nightly question I face is "What the heck are we going to eat for dinner?!"

Throw in keeping up to date on our new construction townhouse and it is then I find myself uttering the words of Scarlett O'Hara and I push off anything else until "tomorrow." But yesterday when I was in dreamland enjoying my one day of the week I can sleep past seven my text message ding (the minuet of course) went off at 9 am. My thoughts were: gosh it is Sunday! Who could that be?! I am not ready to bust out my four miles. Just one more hour. But then I picked up my phone and there it was: a text message from my sister Kelly. 

Rob, her boyfriend of many years and a member of our family, deployed. I knew he was going and wished him well but that text message was all I needed to be brought back to reality.  B was in the Navy for five years and not even a year after we were married he deployed for a year. This is Robs third deployment. Suddenly I felt the feeling I knew all too well. The pain of knowing it would be long time until you would be together again. Knowing that for that time you would have to be ok with living your separate lives, as a close friend once told me. After texting back and forth with Kelly for an hour I was angry with myself for forgetting not to take any moment for granted.

So I got B out of bed, brewed his fave coffee (Girl Scout Creamer Samoa) and decided that for once I wasn't going to push off a day in DC until "tomorrow." We went to the National Book Festival, the Air and Space Museum and jumped on a bike from the capital bikeshare to pedal around the monuments. There were scores of people in line the get an autograph from their favorite authors, people cheered and waved as the presidential motorcade passed and there were huge lines in front of the ever famous DC food truck. With all the smiling and laughter of a DC Sunday I kept in the back of my mind those who were overseas or preparing to go overseas and their families. I was I their shoes once. Brent hurried us home to make sure we had some relaxation time and back in Bethesda we relaxed and enjoyed a night of just being together.

So please never take a moment for granted. And I am going to be totally annoying and say seize the day. There is no better day than today!


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Short but Sweet

Whenever B and I go home to Connecticut for the weekend it is never for long enough. I have an enormous family and am always glancing at the clock to ensure everyone has equal amounts of time with us. However, this visit was unbelievably great.

To celebrate my 25th birthday ( too old right?!) my family threw me a surprise parity. The catered food was to die for and although I suspected something (my mother told me to look nice in the middle of the day)  I was surprised to see all my closest friends. With big girl jobs and life getting in the way I honestly have not seen everyone together since my wedding.

And my ensemble for the occasion: Issa London Wrap Dress LK Bennett Black Sybila Pump

So although this post and my visit are short but sweet, what I'd like my readers to takeaway: cherish everyone moment you share with your loved ones.

Monday, September 2, 2013

DC Looks Different Than it did in 1809

So by now you know my last name is not Madison. So who is this Miss Madison I am referring to? Well, she is right there. Mrs. Dolley Madison, wife of our fourth President. Why her? Well let me tell you she was an absolutely stunning fashion icon and philanthropist. She played major roles in two wars that formed our nation. Who wouldn't want to be a Dolley Madison? I think she is the prefect role model. She represents the things I love most: being a supportive wife to my husband and supporting great causes close to my heart. All while being super stylish! But remember Maegen, this is 2013. And Washington looks a lot different.

Let me tell you about myself. My husband and I are 25 (well he is turning 26!) and we just moved back to DC after a three year stint in Norfolk VA. We are building our first home in Gainesville VA and with the help of my two best friends Cate and Libby I will soon face the challenge of decorating the new place.  Libby is an art teacher and helps me think outside the box. Cate is majorly talented and can turn a piece of junk into a beautiful piece worthy of places like restoration hardware. After four apartments?? We are ready to establish some roots. Finally

My hobby is fashion. I like a classic elegant look. I am always combing through the racks at Nordstroms, Bloomingdales, JCrew etc. looking for new looks. My husband will always roll his eyes when I park strategically at the mall. If I am there to take a quick peak into West Elm for something for the new house I always manage to pop into my fave stores. 

I love love history. My favorite job ever was working at Colonial Williamsburg in the Governors Palace.  In the middle of a conversation I'll say something like "O Thomas Jefferson was a huge fan of that!"  And there will be laughter. It's OK. I've embraced my nerdery.

So  although sometimes I think I was born in the wrong time period the Gonskas have arrived in DC. And I hope to tackle this area with all the grace and charm Miss Madison did.