Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bringing Back the Sparkle

Today I wanted to reflect on an article I read in the Huffington Post. 

It was entitled "10 Vintage Styles That Really Need to Come Back"

Day gloves. pencil skirts, heels and red lipstick. The trademarks of our grandmothers. Ever wonder where that glamourous fahsion sense went? I know I do. I mean, don't get me wrong. Sometimes a hoodie and jeans is the best remedy to a bad day. Or a baseball cap and yoga pants are the best items of clothing to accompany you on a brisk walk outside. But more often than not I wish I could throw on some tights, a fluffy dress, fascinator and hit the town with B.    

What made me decide to post about this topic? No ladies I am not aiming to be hard on us girls of the 21st century. I follow so many wonderful women bloggers that have magnificent fashion sense. BUT. I do wish some of these styles would make their way back into the pages of Vogue. Some will make the occaisonal appearance. But altogether? Haven't seen it yet. I just remember flipping the pages of my Grandma Doris's photo albums and gazing into the photos that took me back in time. Those images are part of why I love fashion. 


Things I love about the '50s: The dresses. The leather jackets. The Fonz's hairdo. 

Believe me I am almost the definition of the driven, independent woman. But the gloves and the skirts in this picture are lovely. So classy. Do I even own an apron? No.  I am sure my Garndma Agnes looked this beautiful. My Grandpa to this day dons the Fonz's hairdo. Just for one day I'd like to step out of my house in white heels with those headbands!

And the '40s. These Rosie the Riveters broke the tradition of staying at home and took over the workforce during World War II. But leave those pencil skirts behind? I think not! I own more jeans than skirts. This picture makes me want to toss the blue jean look aside and buy deep red lipstick, set my hair and never leave the house looking anything less than this fabulous again. 

And the Women of the Roaring '20s.

This generation is getting a LOT of attention. These women dripped with elegance. I am so happy to see some of these styles coming back due to the rising poularity of The Great Gatsby motion picture. The film makes you want to step into the television and the join the party.  Gatsby along with a personal favorite, Downton Abbey, bring this generation to life.

For the girls who have never asked their grandma which shade of lipstick would work better with an outfit or simply have never tried on a full skirt: I challenge you to one day pick out a dress worthy of one of  these genrations of ladies. Go out on the town. Take pictures. Experience how beautiful these looks can make you feel!

A glimpse at a couple family photos that helped inspire this post

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